Share Best Practices

We invite you to share examples of Dignified Storytelling best practices that can be showcased on the Dignified Storytelling website and be featured in the Dignified Storytelling Guidebook.  We are seeking examples of photos and videos that embody the principles of Dignified Storytelling, and that the visual has the appropriate consents and is accompanied by a caption that answers the five W’s: 

  • What can you see in the picture 
  • Who 
  • Where 
  • When 
  • Why

Of course, we suggest you do not include any identifying information in the caption if there are risks associated with sharing a person’s name, location, or circumstance or with images of children, for example the exact location or parent’s surname.

    Please submit the live link(s) to the story (i.e. text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content). You may also
    submit the story via email attachment to HQ@

    Briefly describe the story context, including what and who it is about, when and where it took place, and why the story was
    first developed. Of course, we suggest you do not include any identifying information in your description if there are risks
    associated with sharing a person’s name, location, or circumstance or with images of children.

    You may wish to also include information about the process of developing the story, if relevant for illustrating the
    Principles of Dignified Storytelling.

    Please describe what about the story (either the development process, the end product, or both) makes this a good
    example of Dignified Storytelling.

    I, understand that my story, photo, and voice is my own. I grant my permission to

    to share my story with Dignified Storytelling to be used as a Case Study in the Dignified Storytelling Handbook.

    I understand that the story will be shared both immediately and in the future with Dignified Storytelling audiences in the
    Dignified Storytelling Handbook, which will be available on the website and in hard copy. The story may also be featured as a
    Case Study at one or more of the Dignified Storytelling events at Expo 2020 Dubai and other public online forums (email, social
    networking sites, newsletters, etc.).

    I understand that media shared on the internet is subject to sharing and is accessible globally. I have the right to retract my
    consent after the production of the Case Study.
    Any other considerations or accommodations requested: